Sea jasper tree life bracelet

This bracelet is made of jasper, decorated with the motif of the tree of life in silver. The tree of life is a symbol of creation, life, wisdom and stability. They will protect their owners from evil, bring it peace and love. It is associated with birth, life and death. It symbolizes life force and immortality.
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Your price without VAT: 22,72 EURYour price with VAT from: 27,49 EUR
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This bracelet is made of jasper decorated with a motif of the tree of life in silver. The tree of life is a symbol of creation, life, wisdom and stability . They will protect their owners from evil, bring it peace and love. It is associated with birth, life and death. It symbolizes life force and immortality.
The roots of the tree are deep in the ground, from where they draw nutrients and strength. The trunk stands in space and the branches are scattered in all directions of the world. The crown heads to the Heavens, from where it draws cosmic energy. In the past, groves or entire forests were dedicated to trees. They had a deep spiritual significance and healing power.
It shows the strength, but also the fragility of our being .
It symbolizes the interconnection of the four earth elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air). There are roots in the ground. It drips from the leaves, between which there is air
water. Fire symbolizes chemical transformation by oxidation. It represents the interconnectedness of all living things.

Sea jasper is assigned to the planet Mercury and belongs to the element of air. It adds creativity, helps to promote one's own ideas, supports the immune system, detoxifies and regenerates tissues.


The bracelet is a suitable fashion accessory for both women and men.

The length of the bracelet: 19 cm is on a quality rubber band and fits everyone perfectly

Stone size: 8 mm

Material: marine jasper

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