Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Prepared Hydrangea suitable for all binding. Some pieces have a short stem and may vary in color.
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Approximate consumption: Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization ...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Approximate consumption: 500g 0.1 m2 35x40cm 2kg 0.25 m2 ...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Dobrý deň chcem sa opýtať ci by ste mi nevedeli poradiť nejaký veľmi jemný lak , ktorý by sa dal použiť na stabilizáciu motýlich kridel, bez toho aby došlo u nich k zmene farby, resp. začerneniu. Vopred ďakujem za odpoveď.
Dobrý den, chtěl bych vědět jak veliká bude plocha na zdi z jednoho balení( Islandský stabilizovaný, preparovaný mech 500gr trávově zelená) 428 Kč /váha je 0,5kg v centimetrech čtverečních? Děkuji za odpověď. Martin