Stabilizované a preparované mechy
Preparované mechy využívají floristé především k výrobě mechových obrazů, živých stěn nebo jako
doplnění suchých vazeb. Islandské preparované mechy jsou přímo stvořeny pro vnitřní dekorace, nebo částečné odhlučnění prostoru, mají totiž vynikající akustické vlastnosti.
I přes to, že mech prošel procesem stabilizace, zachovává si svůj přirozený vzhled. Navíc je tento preparovaný mech zcela bezúdržbový, není potřeba jej zalévat, hnojit nebo zastřihávat. Nepotřebuje dokonce ani světlo. Bez jakékoli údržby vydří i několik let. Stabilizované mechy jsou stále biologicky rozložitelné a šetrné k přírodě.
Vybírat můžete z různých barevných variant a gramáží.
Pěknou dekoraci lze vytvořit pomocí kombinace několika barev najednou. Nejoblíbenější kombinace pro výrobu mechového obrazu je tmavě zelný mech v kombinaci s mechově zelenou barvou. Instalace, na požadovanou plochu, je velice snadná, mech jednoduše nalepíte lepidlem na koberce nebo tavnou pistolí.
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Approximate consumption: Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization ...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Approximate consumption: 500g 0.1 m2 35x40cm 2kg 0.25 m2 ...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Dobrý den, chci se zeptat, zda stabilizovaný mech se do pěstovat v bytě v létě venku, např. na balkoně. A co se používá pro podklad / zda písek? zemina?. Apod. Děkuji předem za Vaši odpověď. S pozdravem E. Snoblova, Kladno
Dobrý den, měla bych zájem si od Vás koupit stabilizovaný mech. 500gr - jakou plochu zrhuba mě pokryje 500gr? Jakou má životnost a jak se udržuje? Poradíte? Díky.
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...