Stabilizované a preparované mechy – přírodní krása bez údržby
Stabilizované a preparované mechy jsou ideální volbou pro každého, kdo hledá elegantní, přírodní a zároveň bezúdržbové dekorace. Floristé je často využívají při tvorbě mechových obrazů, živých stěn nebo jako doplněk pro suché vazby.
Vlastnosti a výhody:
Ekologická volba:
Stabilizované mechy jsou biologicky rozložitelné a šetrné k přírodě, což z nich dělá udržitelnou dekoraci pro moderní interiéry.
Možnosti a instalace:
Proměňte svůj interiér pomocí stabilizovaných mechů, které spojují přírodní krásu s moderní praktičností!
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Islandský mech je stabilizovaný, preparovaný. Díky procesům stabilizace a preparace lze zachovat originální vzhled mechu, je barven čistě přír...
Islandský mech je stabilizovaný, preparovaný. Díky procesům stabilizace a preparace lze zachovat originální vzhled mechu, je barven čistě přír...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, the original appearance of the moss can be pres...
Islandský mech je stabilizovaný, preparovaný. Díky procesům stabilizace a preparace lze zachovat originální vzhled mechu, je barven čistě přír...
Islandský mech je stabilizovaný, preparovaný. Díky procesům stabilizace a preparace lze zachovat originální vzhled mechu, je barven čistě přír...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Approximate consumption: Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization ...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Approximate consumption: 500g 0.1 m2 35x40cm 2kg 0.25 m2 ...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Icelandic moss is stabilized, prepared. Thanks to the stabilization and preparation processes, th...
Dobrý den, chci se zeptat, zda stabilizovaný mech se do pěstovat v bytě v létě venku, např. na balkoně. A co se používá pro podklad / zda písek? zemina?. Apod. Děkuji předem za Vaši odpověď. S pozdravem E. Snoblova, Kladno
Dobrý den, měla bych zájem si od Vás koupit stabilizovaný mech. 500gr - jakou plochu zrhuba mě pokryje 500gr? Jakou má životnost a jak se udržuje? Poradíte? Díky.